Required Credit Counseling

The Bankruptcy Court requires that those filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy complete two online courses prior to their official discharge.​

  1. PRIOR TO FILING: The first course is a credit counseling course. You must take the online course prior to having The Mitten Law Firm file your bankruptcy petition. This course can be completed online for a cost of $10.00, it should take less than one hour to complete.The information that you provide is used for your own benefit. You will be given tips on how to better budget your income and how to stay out of debt in the future.
  2. AFTER FILING FOR BANKRUPTCY: The second course is a Debtors Education course. You must take this course after The Mitten Law Firm files your Chapter 7 Bankruptcy petition. This course can also be done online at a cost of $10.00; it should take about an hour to complete.You will be given information about how to maintain a budget and how to stay out of debt in the future.