Custody issues can present themselves in both contested and uncontested divorces – or when there is no marriage at all. It is imperative that a parent going through any custody issues contact an aggressive and competent law firm, such as The Mitten Law Firm, right away.
There are 2 kinds of custody: 1:Physical Custody, 2: Legal Custody. Physical custody allows a parent to make the everyday decisions for the child/children and determines the primary residence. Legal custody determines who is allowed to make long term decisions for the child/children, such as medical decisions
It is most common for parents to share in both legal and physical custody; however, this is not always the case.
In Michigan, the custody decision must be based on the best interests of the child if the parents are not able to agree on custody. When the court is determining the best interests of the child, they will use a statutory 12 factor test. These 12 factors are weighed proportional and will help the court determine the best interests of the child.
Special considerations may need to be addressed depending on the nature of the relationship between the parents. LGBTQAI custody cases can have special factors that aren’t always accounted for, such as adoptions and other ramifications. While laws in Michigan have changed, if you are looking for an attorney that can help with an LGBTQAI custody case, then call The Mitten Law Firm.